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OXFORD Lock vs Grinder – Watch the Video to see scary results

OXFORD Lock vs Grinder

OXFORD Lock vs Grinder – Short test of cutting through the Oxford HD Chain Lock Padlock using a Cordless Disc grinder

Most of the physical motorcycle security devices as disc locks, chains and paddocks are removed by thieves using cordless disc grinders. When I lost the keys to one of my Oxford HD Chain Locks I had to cut the paddock to use the chain again. So I though that it would be a good idea to make a video “OXFORD Lock vs Grinder” showing how long those locks last under a grinder. Unfortunately, the outcome is really scary because I was able to go through this lock within 14 seconds without any effort, as you can see on the video.

OXFORD Lock vs Grinder

So what is the solution then? How to protect your bike?

These are a few tips from me. I’ve been advising and supplying London bikers with security devices for the last 10 years.

  1. Always use a physical security device such as disc lock, chain or lever lock, even if you leave your motorcycle or scooter only for a few minutes.
  2. Make sure you lock your steering.
  3. Arm your alarm.
  4. Use a bike cover overnight.
  5. Use your chain with an anchor point such as lamp post, tree or designated ground anchors to prevent your bike from lifting or moving away.
  6. Make sure your disc lock is in a hard to reach position for possible grinder attacks.
  7. Most of stolen bikes are moved away and hidden by thieves, so they can come back with a van and pick it up later. Therefore, if you combine a few devices, for example a disc lock at the front and a chain at the back of your motorcycle, it makes it harder for them to wheel it away.
  8. If you have a GPS tracker make sure it’s showing correct position.

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