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Top Gear Tribute to Eddie Kidd – bike jumping legend

Paddy and Eddie Kidd

Great tribute to Eddie Kidd on last Top Gear “There’s only one way to celebrate the iconic stuntman: more stunts!”

Fun fact #1: Eddie Kidd didn’t even have a UK motorcycle licence until 1995… by which point he’d already carried out thousands of jumps in his astonishing career.

Fun fact #2: in sheer coincidence, every household in Britain was cutting onions at the exact same time Paddy McGuinness was busy paying tribute to the legendary stuntman. No, you’ve got something in your eye.

Eddie Kidd OBE. A man who started his career at just 14 years old; who challenged Evel Knievel’s son Robbie to a jump-off in his own back yard of the United States and won; who jumped the Great Wall of China; who worked as a stuntman on a number of James Bond movies and who remains an icon of British bike-based heroics.

Paddy’s film paid tribute to his amazing career, culminating in a spectacular stunt show taking in bikes, cars and monster trucks. And a fair few explosions, too. Heck, even Paddy got involved with his own ring-of-fire jump.

Great episode with really touching Top Gear Tribute to Eddie Kidd…